How You Can Get Involved

At the Partnership for Kentucky Schools, we believe education is everyone’s business. From students, parents and grandparents, to teachers and other school employees, from CEOs to entry-level workers, and even citizens without kids in school — everyone can play a part in linking the workforce of today with the one of tomorrow.

You can make a difference in student achievement . . .

As a citizen
Only 25 percent of Kentucky households have children in school. Yet the involvement of that other 75 percent is essential to the growth and success of our future leaders. Education must become a community responsibility. Find out what you can do to support education.

As an employer
The children in Kentucky schools today are the key to a successful Kentucky economy tomorrow. But in order for schools to prepare the skilled, qualified, well-educated employees that businesses need, businesses themselves have to play a role in education. Learn how your company can support learning in Kentucky.

As a parent
Parents have the most important role in the education of children. You are a child’s first teacher and can be his/her most important advocate. Read about what you can do to help your child get the best possible education.

As an educator
As mentors and role models for the students you interact with every day, you can be a huge influence for the betterment of a child’s future. Your high expectations can motivate students and create positive change. Look at some of your involvement options.
Visit our Toolkits page for more community involvement ideas.